January 1, 2025by royalGood to know New era for organic agriculture Organic farming Precision Farming Trends
Happy Healthy Year
Royal Bio Dünger is distributed internationally. Contact us to now more
January 15, 2024by royalGood to know New era for organic agriculture Organic farming Precision Farming Trends
Multiple Benefits with Royal Bio Dünger
Royal Bio Organic chicken manure is highly regarded for its ability to take good care of soil due to its rich nutrient content and various other beneficial properties. Here are several reasons why Royal Bio Dünger is considered beneficial for soil health: Nutrient-Rich Content: Royal Bio Fertilizer is a potent source of essential nutrients such
January 15, 2024by royalGood to know New era for organic agriculture Organic farming Precision Farming Trends
THE SURPRISING POWER OF CHICKEN MANURE Each year, American farmers raise billions of chickens, more than enough for a “chicken for every pot,” as Herbert Hoover’s campaign once promised. Soybeans growing in 2017 in the test fields after five years of poultry litter application. Poultry litter increased soybean yields for three